Gardenative™ vs Other Brands

You have been looking for a reliable, trustworthy, capable manufacturer of Outdoor and Garden furniture, right?

Finally, you have come across many companies who claim to be producer.

Once you try to contact them, you didn’t like the service, the prices, the collection, the payment terms, etc. Even lots of them haven’t replied your requests fast.

Gardenative™ is different, young, energetic, experienced & professional.

Let’s dive into the reasons why we are better than any other public seating factory in the world.


Durable and Long-Lasting Materials

✗ Deformations in six months

Paintings and materials environment & health friendly

✗ Non-healthy & Damage the Environment

Variety of Model Selections

No or Limited Color Selection

European High-Quality Products

Low Quality Standard Products

✓  Very Affordable / Competitive Prices

Very High Prices

Very Fast Professional Quotation Process

Very Slow & Un-Professional Quotation Process

Transparently Showing the Production to the Dealers

Ambiguous, Vouge and Not Fully Transparent

After Sales Department

No After Sales Department

Logistics Support & Follow-up

No Logistics support or Follow-up after sales

Time effective in communication, production and delivery

Slow response and delayed production process

Global Influence & Support of our Many Sister Companies

Single Brand/Company

Ability to Produce All Kinds of Sofas with our other sister companies

Capabilities confined to one single brand/company

Become our dealer in your country/city and enjoy the business with us.